My first furcon experience AKA the best and worst day of my life (cringe)

My first furcon experience AKA the best and worst day of my life (cringe)

First of all sorry if my english is not perfect or I mistype something its not my native language. Also it was years ago I might not tell everyting in a correct way. And oh man, I surely do hope that only furries and the people I send this to will see this post because I will be a real obsessed, oversharing, dramatic, nerdy fluffball!

#1 The circumstances:

I was 16 M. It was in 2022 Summer in Hungary, Monor. Our flat was being renovated at the time so I had to live at my grandmothers house. I didnt like it for several reasons even though it was summer break time. Not just because the house wasnt clean and full of spiders that Im scared of but also I was depressed. And it was mainly because of my furry personality crises. I had problems with my sona, I know it sounds stupid but I figured I might make another post where I explain things so people can understand how serious it was. Basically if I didnt overthink about furries I was a mess. And if I did overthink about furries I had an inner pain. My family didnt know I was a furry and didnt even know what a furry is. My mom is obsessed with christianity and even though shes not a homophobic bigot it would still be weird if I open up about my support to LGBT. Also she knew that I wasnt alright mentally so if she discovered that it was because of a group of people she would definitely not support it.
When I first saw a furcon on the internet at Foofi’s video despite the fact that Im a dreamer I couldnt imagine that anytime in the future I will be blessed with such a ravishing experience for a lifetime. It was too good to be true. After that I got hope that sometimes it might happen but I stereotypically thought that it wont be in Hungary. Orbán (the prime minister of Hungary) is in the right side of the political spectrum and even that lesser young people support him over the years a lot of them still agree with him about homophobia. I refused to even have a hope on finding a furry convention in my country everything comes here late. But to cope with my terrible feelings about the community (the misunderstand I love the community) I had to take a next step on my furry life somehow because constant thinking leads me to nowhere but suffering.

#2 The surprise:

Once all of the sudden a normie friend of mine Matthew (course I only had normie friends) texted me on Dc and sent me a picture. It was some suiters on the park in Monor NEAR OUT FLAT! It was far away I couldnt just walk there in time. At first I thought Its edited. I asked him about it and he said its not. Second I thought its an old picture. He said its not, they are there. Seeing suiters near your home for the first time is like a mixture of something odd and awesome. It shocked me greatly. I was confused and felt weird. This was the time I had to stay at my other home. I couldnt believe it! My phone was running out of battery but I couldnt think right and I was thinking theres no time to waste because this might be my only chance meeting them. A life changing chance. I put on my phone to get some energy for like ten minutes and without a care to anyone or anything the only thing that came to my mind was: „No one will stop me now whatever happens. I will walk there whatever it takes“ On the inside it sounded badass but on the outside I was a twink furry b*tch who cant even lie. I couldnt just leave so I told my mom Im going out. She asked me where am I going suddenly. I dont know why I didnt think she would be curious. I told him either that Im going to a party or going to an even. I cant remember correctly. Now dont ask me, I have no idea what kind of party starts at the early afternoon. She was worried and wanted to know more. I told her that I will tell everything when I come back (yeah it was a perfect plan you dont have to tell me LMAO). I left just when she asked for more things. It was embarrassing but not nearly as embarrassing as what more things will happen. So I started walking with nothing but a phone with little battery.

#3 The walk:

I wanted to go fast but not too fast so I can think about the different outcomes that might happen. I couldnt even process what was happening but I ran slowly still. At one point after just a few minutes I stopped and sat on the ground. I realized that „It might not even be a furcon. It might be just some friends hanging out who I will cruelly interrupt and make a fool of myself.“ I was bad at socialising even with normal people. I didnt know the etiquette of how to approach a suiter and whatever that happens after it. After the little panic attack (it was not a real one I dont have such disease but I cant resemble it with anything else) I got up and kept on going. I rarely felt something such as that exact feeling. Its hard to describe it. I didnt even know where should I go, I just went to the middle of the city. I was going back and forth on a long street hoping that I will see someone colorful. Once or twice I even saw people as fursuits when they were far but I always new that my eyes played tricks on me. After walking all around, desperately for some time my friend texted me that they are in a place called VR The Magic. I had my birthday at that place once and after the con my first aid certification so that place means a lot today for me. I was on my way to the place and I was thinking what should I say at the first furry interaction of my life. Like: „Do you speak human“ to clarify that they can talk to me and than I will say some stuff about me and why I love the community and that lifestyle. And than… with not certanity that I will succed I found it.

#4 When I arrived:

I waited a little bit outside. I was insanely shy. There is a store which the same guy runs as the one who runs the VR place so I bought a drink to spy a little but I didnt see anyone. I was scared but it was a miracle for me that something like that happens not just in my country but exactly in my tiny city that might not even should be called a city. So I went inside and sat on a chair near the entrance. I was in a shock… I saw the suits in the headless lounge… When you see something that you like so much that FOR YEARS you refuse to believe is true because its impossible that you deserve such incomprehendable rush of long lasting happiness at first time I guess its understandable that you can only barely move. Every thought of mine was fast and there was a lot of thought. They were all unhelpful. My chair was in front of the bathroom so when a person went to the toilet and asked me why am I here I replied: „I easily faint and I had to come to a colder place and sit down, but Im fine I dont need help“. Guys… I almost never lie… But that day… I had no morals about telling the truth. Because I was certain that I will get what I deserve. Next time when someone came to me well… He was different. He was a suitless black dragon. The first furry I even met irl. And hes face was something like I never saw before. The embodiment of kind. When I saw him I saw the physical form of my relief. It was both the kindest and most helpful expression someone can make and I felt better. I didnt lie this time. He felt so sorry for me and told me that if I want to he will introduce me to the people inside the con. So yes, I realized its indeed a con after all.

#5 The beginnings:

Yet again, I couldnt believe my eyes. Lucky me I didnt see irl furries without any warning before because I would have died of emotional overdose. I didnt even know that that place was this big. I was never beyond the first VR room which was the headless lounge. There was two more rooms with more computers and places to sit down and play board games and a yard with a jacuzzi, a bar, a DJ thingy and a huge place to lie down and hang out, chit-chat. And also a sauna. I was introduced to several people including a suit maker. But no one was in fursuit. I guess it makes sense, it was really hot outside. I told them about Proja, a yellow wolf and I was showing that Im ashamed that Im a really common wolf. They told me that at least my color is not common. Little did I know that the person who made the whole convention possible was a gray wolf. Overwhelmed I just wanted to enjoy the convention air and chill so my stress would reduce. I lied down near some people. They were talking about the dilemma to decide foxes or wolves are hotter. Because I think there are several aspects about this deep and very difficult question I couldnt say just one species so I didnt say anything. The worst thing was that it semmed like everyone knows everyone except me who in fact knows no one. But the hope was not lost deep inside our minds we all knew each other because one main thing connected us all. I texted another normie friend Christopher that Im living my dream. He tought I mistyped „furcon“ to „furgon“ which in hungarian means „van“ so now thinking about it maybe he got a little worried about my „S.O.S. text“ when he read: „Im in a furcon“. I sent pictures with my remaining energy my phone had and it ran out.

#6 A new problem:

Everything was just good, well… except that I cant contact with anyone. But it was fine. I talked with the dudes near me about sexuality. Turned out one of them was gay and the other bi. I told them Im a questioning. While we talked they mentioned some kind of a ticket. And I realized that there are thingies attached to their wrists. (…) hmmm… Anyways I didnt waste much time, I found that jewish dude who runs the place originally. It was not hard to talk to him because I knew him before and I like his personality, hes helpful. Turned out he wasn’t the one I should ask so he showed me the gray wolf I mentioned before. He was in a jacuzzi with his friends. He wanted to make sure that its a good idea to let me be at the con so he asked me: „How much do you know?“ I replied with a question: „About LGBT or about furries?“ he said furries. I started smiling and was like: „Ohh yeaaah!“ After that they also got delighted and smiled. He figured Im not a threat so he helped me get a ticket. I couldnt use my phone so he lended me his and asked me to make an account for their website and I can pay when Im at home. He was so nice!

#7 During the con:

After that I was hanging out with the fellow furries, I wanted a badge too because a lot of people had one. A lot of times I was just fine by myself but once I also joined a giant UNO card game. You know those big cards designed for huge paws. No one wore paws among us but just holding the cards gave me a furry sense, almost like I do have paws in my hands. I felt like I have a fursuit despite that I didnt even have a tail, ears or dino mask. The people talked half-english half-hungarian. But like literally. They formed their sentences in both languages. That is exactly what happens when a subculture is formed by the internet. When someone mentioned that they are a suiter… it just made me want to be a part of this whole thing even more. And when I did see a suiter in their suit I felt a third „first time ever saw that“ feeling. I cant remember correctly I think it was a skulldog. I wanted to ask for a hug but they seemed so busy and I was too scared so after thinking about it I just stopped and they were gone. I also went to the headless lounge and… oh my that so bad… started petting and touching the suits. It was my realm and I didnt know one thing. It was against the rules. I think no one saw me violating it but its not like I tried to do it too secretly. That leads to the last first experience of the day: When I actually touched them.

#8 The cringy ending:

I was just chilling on some fluffy stuff putted to the ground for people to lie down to when someone came to me and told me that my mom is here and she wants to see me now. I wasnt afraid the vibes that lasted for hours already calmed my nerves. But after she took me home I realized how embarrassing I was. The rules definitely stated that no one should be there below 18. They probably made this so they wont have problems with the parents and they can have a queer vibe. And for me, for a fricking minor the even organizer wolf made a special exception because I seemed trustworthy enough just so that he needs to deal with my mother after all because I wasnt honest enough and ran away from home. I respect her, she actually didnt make a mistake, the fact that she worried was more than understanbable. When she was driving me home I told her that it was a furry convention. She didnt know what it is and said something like: „When I got there I was worried because I saw two boys hugging. I thought this is some LGBT stuff because gay people like cosutmes.“ Well no but actually yes lol. Later I explained to her what furry is.

#9 The next con:

I will not talk much about this but I wanna share something weird because I need to get this off of my chest. I couldnt pay for the ticket at home. I wanted to give them the money so at the next con I gave them a tiny amount of extra money and a secret note where I wrote a thank you letter about last year. I wrote that Im thankful, and that Im sorry for the trouble. And when I lended it to the grey wolf he couldnt even remember what happened a year ago! Turned out I was overreacting for a year! OH MY SWEET F*CK IM SO CRINGE. Because I even drew a boykisser meme to the note saying: „I know what you are! You are a nice person!“ LMAO.

#10 What I learned :

Dont be afraid of telling your loved once your secrets. Its very important for your relationship with them. They might not even react the way you expect them to! Even though you shouldnt be a Karen and a main character but if you know that you need a big change in your personality, shyness and social life act on it! Dont wait for the perfect moment like I did. You have all the rights to make embarrassing mistakes! And you will be the last person who remembers them. People forget and dont care. Your mistakes might be forgotten the next day while you are still stuck with them for years for no reason! Just dont give a shit. Seems like furries are just as nice as I imagined!

I really hope that your first con turned out better! Mine was clearly the best and worst day of my life. It was the best because my dream came true and the worst because I was surrounded by the exact thing that made me fall into depression. I couldnt avoid it. But I defeated it! I dont have that personality crisis anymore! Kinda… I still have work to do but I know that furries will get me through the hardest times! Be strong furries! You mean the world to me!

submitted by /u/Proja76
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