Drop off your sona for free sketch/sketches

Drop off your sona for free sketch/sketches

I plan on doing commissions in the future, but before that id need examples to show off

I need to learn how to draw a bigger variety of body types, species and so on aswell

So drop off your fursona and I’ll try to draw/sketch them (for free🎶)

I dont know how quickly or slowly I’ll draw them, and i might call it off if it gets too much(you wont have lost anything if i call it off either way) I will take my time though, and reply to who i begin with one at a time I am no professional furry artist tho so dont expect furry mona lisa quality

Also important is what i wont draw: some nsfw(i allow, but some not all), mech/tech, hysterically/comically huge honkers and cake, underage while suggestive(if its just a non suggestive normal childlike furry thats okay) I might decide not to be drawing some furries of other reasons

However to point out the honkers and cake thing: plus size, big boned and so on is welcome because i need to practice that aswell

And again: its free

submitted by /u/Basils_Hair
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Quelle: https://www.reddit.com/r/furry_catwalk

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